We spend virtually everyday of our lives here (be smart about it)

TINY: A Story About Living Small (Teaser Trailer) from TINY on Vimeo.


There’s a theory that less is more. That more is good in some ways, and bad in others.

More often comes with benefits that less cannot provide. And yet less can provide more.

The challenge is to be aware of, and thoroughly understand the pros and cons.

But mostly we don’t.


Because we spend so much time taking care of our things that we have precious little time to think.

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Another term for home is nest

Photo of Mountain Lion
Photo of unknown nature photographer’s work


The place were we live, separate from work, we call home.

In nature home is a den, cave, burrow, or a nest.

It’s where down time from survival, or waking hours, is spent.

Some animals are nomadic, or have no home whatsoever, say fish.

The human equivalent for home can be called nest.

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Inspiration To Be Organized Can Come From Anywhere

Out for a jog, 2,300 miles from Orlando and Walt Disney World, I could have run under this banner and never given it a second thought.

But what I do is provide readers (you) daily reminders.

It’s a charity and mission work that feels as good giving as it does receiving.

Being organized is it’s own reward.

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