Took 400 photos yesterday. And 300 per day in each of the two previous days.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
The how behind the wow.
Yesterday’s meeting was organized to facilitate a brand new working partnership with an amazingly talented graphic designer.
At the end, she heard something she had never heard before and it surprised and delighted her:
“We need to revisit your fee. I would like to counter your fee because i think it’s too low.”
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We also visited Team Disney, but photos are not permitted inside. We did get to see the world’s largest sundial, which is the building’s centerpiece.
Only one person knows that one of the four Disney Magic Moments was missed. Had coordinated with the Team Disney reception desk but the timing fell through. No one’s fault. But it demonstrates that creating Magic is hard work and doesn’t always work.
The other Magic Moment for Donna was receiving an autographed copy of Lee Cockerell’s new book, “Time Management Magic”. It happened in a most unexpected place by one of Disney’s hardest working and most respected Cast Members.
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Disney Magic is easy for anyone to create because it is simple.
All you have to do is organize yourself well enough so that your target is so big, you couldn’t possibly miss.
It’s not the extra mile that is sustainable, it’s going the extra inch.
Have orchestrated four inches today and will share with you tomorrow how it turned out.
It won’t happen all day, everyday without decent organization.
So in reading between the lines, it can happen all day, everyday.
It should happen all day, everyday.
Some our not satisfied unless it is all day, everyday.
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Can we work at making a habit of getting out of our comfort zone?
We are as organized as our past has trained us to be?
This can be unlearned and enhanced if we are willing to get out of our comfort zone.
It’s literally the only way change, of any kind, will happen.
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