Another day, another rush

Life from the back seat of a cab…

chevy silverado

Another day, another rush:

  • up at 4am
  • pray, read
  • check work stuff
  • get ready
  • cab at 5am
  • couple flights
  • workout on the way home?
  • pick up Son
  • unpack
  • repack
  • dinner with Family
  • swim
  • early to bed
  • dream of a great week in the mountains

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Day To Day


It’s hard to keep up with everything, right? Life just keeps piling it on.

How do you handle this?

Do you handle this?

Simplification and prioritization may take a lifetime to master.

It seems worth it to try?

Doesn’t it beat the alternative?

(What are your tips?)

Next Blog

1 Thing That Was Most Touching

They Grew Up Together
They Grew Up Together
I Slept With Him In His Cage For Hours
I Slept With Him In His Cage For Hours

This blog, of the five, is about the day to day stuff that doesn’t fall into one of life’s big four choices – MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, MONEY.

I mean, where would picking out a puppy fall? Or picking a Vet?

We’ve been going to the same Vet for 23 years, in Kissimmee, Florida.

As our most recent Lab Carter, began to fail rapidly on February 10, we chose a Vet much closer.

Why? Because I knew we’d be making many trips, maybe even daily. Chapin came with Carter and me several times.

A Few Days Later, Valentines Day
A Few Days Later, Valentines Day

I dug the grave (above) and buried Carter on Valentine’s Day.

Then the day after I laid Carter to rest, a Monday, I went in to pay the Vet bill.

Amanda, who saw me first, well, the first thing she said was, “How’s your son?”

(next blog)

Day To Day Grind

We Are All The Same
We Are All The Same

Day to day stuff. The miscellaneous, but critically important details we need to attend to day in and day out. If we don’t, we get behind, and eventually, we may get buried by our workload.

I know this well. Can’t recall the last time I had nothing to do. Every day, there’s a dull, but heavy pressure to do all the stuff that needs doing. It never ends. It never should end.

Today, in addition to the usual prayer requests, I’d like to add anyone dealing with a particularly heavy, and horrible situation today. There are many of you fitting this description. In particular today, however, I’m responding to an email that came through late last night.

Pray for Peace in her Soul, Joy in her Spirit, and Love in her Heart. And not only for her, but also for her entire Family. Transport to deeper message.