CEO Of You, Inc

You are in charge of everything. Yes, everything.


I’m the CEO of me, Inc.

You’re the CEO of You, Inc.

The degree to which we organize our lives is the degree to which we struggle or survive.

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The Only Way To Think About 2012 Is With No Limits

Re:Whatever your heart desires in 2012...

Ruin and recovering are both from within. – Epictetus

Whatever failures or mediocre successes we’ve had in the past don’t matter anymore. What matters is our belief in ourselves. This mountain is climbed one step at a time. Go. Let’s go.

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Not Everyone Is Willing To Devote Themselves To Changing The Course Of Their Life

Baby Boomers jeff noel and his cousin Michael

One thing most Baby Boomers are acutely aware of is personal responsibility. No one is more in charge of us than us. You are the CEO of You, Inc. And yet, most Boomers feel lost, not knowing where or how to begin, to make positive life changes – to reverse decades of bad health habits. Your fellow Boomer, and prolific blogger, jeff noel, has been in this very same deep, dark place. It’s scary. But it ain’t permanent.

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Boomers, You Are The CEO Of You, Inc

Consider yourself blessed if you intimately know how a legendary company makes it work

Whether you think running is hard, or that writing is hard, the bottom line for all Baby Boomers is this very simple, and tough, fact: You are the CEO of You, Inc.

The message jeff noel takes away from this is run your life like a successful business. Vision, focus, discipline, creativity, innovation, risk-taking, courage, quality, team work, integrity….

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Here’s Mid Life Celebration’s Simple Model For Life’s Big Choices

Four main Mid Life Celebration boxes are easily seen. The fifth box is the big one that holds the other four together. We are all the CEO of our life. Every executive officer has an office. This is for all our day-to-day administrative stuff – the paperwork of our life. The degree to which we are or aren’t organized.  It’s the glue that holds the other four together.

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