Dear Son, Or Anyone Else, Please Do The Math

Dear Son, always let your conscious be your guide. It's your duty.

Dear Son, so far I’ve written 5.3k blog posts. Never saw that one coming. Do you remember me telling you how I made a promise to do a 100-day challenge to write in all five Mid Life Celebration blogs for 100 consecutive days?

Well, I never stopped. Over 5,000 posts. None have ever crossed a line. None. Do the math. None. How cool is that?!

Dear readers, thanks for trusting that this is really important. It’s fun to accomplish seemingly ridiculously major goals.

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A Fellow Boomer Asked jeff noel If He Ever Tires Writing Five Daily, Different Blogs

Did he just say, "Not a chance"?

Some of jeff noel’s friends are bloggers. They seem to marvel at his ability to write five daily, short, pithy blog posts about Life’s Big Choices. Only recently did noel start to consciously understand why. It’s hard to do anything everyday. Period. Except maybe, eat. But to eat healthily and in moderation everyday? Not a chance.

Curious, any of you feel the subconscious tug to rethink, reprioritize and recommit? Not a chance?

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