Are Baby Boomers Too Old To Lead A Nation Wide Health Revolution?

Our journey should pursue balance with Life's (5) Big Choices

One of the main, insidious reasons our nation is in an obesity epidemic is because when young look at old, they see what they think is an inevitable jail sentence.

What if the nationwide health landscape for older Americans, especially Baby Boomers, looked vibrant, happy, healthy, active and alive?

PS. This is Mid Life Celebration’s 5,000th blog post. Wanted to commemorate this prolific blogging milestone on 11.11.11

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I Went One Step Further With Yesterday’s Lesson, Because That’s What Walt Disney Has Ingrained In Me

Quality & attention to small, almost unnoticeable details is Walt Disney's signature

When we were done with his lesson, the learning could have stopped. But Walt Disney taught me to always try to give a little more than anyone expects. So in a brief story (Walt Disney’s teaching tool of choice) I explained to our son I wished I had been taught earlier in life how to use my own words – to not doubt that my explanation would be as good as anyone else’s.

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Halloween A Year Ago Mid Life Celebration Hit It’s 3,000th Blog Post

Brrrr, I mean Boo!....Happy Halloween

Mid Life Celebration, the brain child of a Pennsylvania college student in 1979. jeff noel sat on the idea for the first book for 30+ years. That’s pretty scary. So is the fact that Mid Life Celebration is approaching it’s 5,000th post….probably near November 19, 2011.

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Boomers, What’s Your Midlife Health Value Proposition?

Not how well your midlife health stats stack up against your peers, but how well do the younger folks in your family hold you up as an example or a warning.

And by health stats, I’m not just talking about physical metrics. It must be balanced with mental, spiritual, financial, and HQ.

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Boomers, Ready, Set, Charge! Or Not.

So tempting to compare isn't it? We should try to stop doing that.

Boomers, jeff noel’s 35th High School Reunion is next year (2012). Thirty-five years. Sure hope my schedule allows for attendance.

Many people attend these reunions to see how well they’re doing compared to the others. Human nature, right? Why? Why don’t we compare how we’re doing on a daily basis, not every five or ten years? And make the comparison against ourselves, not others?

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