There is something about travel that is exciting and adventurous.
If you travel for a living, you don’t have to pay the financial currency, but you still have to pay, except the transaction fee is with the other currency.
And we all know that Time waits for no one.
Time is also a fair currency. We all get exactly the same.
Ever heard the phrase, “Don’t die with a book in you”?
Have you ever dreamt of writing a book?
It’s way more work than people think. And yet, it’s way less work than people think. A paradox that only someone who’s done it can know.
Found a LinkedIn connection, Susan Harrow, who blogs about these types of things too. Wanted to share her perspective with you.
Click here to read Susan Harrow’s article, “Write a Book Fast and Earn Big Money in the Process”. It’s a bit on the salesy-side, but offers a perspective different from mine.
PS. Do you still remember the important message from the top?
(Don’t die with a book in you)
One more thing, if you’ve never written a book before, and think you can in 90 days and make a ton of money, God Bless you. Odds are, you will never get started, and if you do get started, you’ll never finish.
This is simply the way life works. If you disagree with this, please feel free to send a copy of your first book by May 1, 2010, and then I’ll confess to being a liar. Deal?
It started as a 100-day challenge to become a better writer, after a Father told his young son, “If you want to be a better reader, you should read a lot.”
So what happens yesterday? Not five daily blogs, but eight.
Recently, had a discussion and we talked about the future of books:
Books will be relics on display in Museums
eBooks will dominate
Kindle will destroy the publishing industry
The publishing industry will watch it happen
Librarians will lose their jobs
Unless they become Cybrarians
There were 177,000 books published last year
People think it’s hard to write a book
Authors think their book will sell many copies
Barnes & Noble will go out of business eventually
People get ready (Bob Marley reference)
“Books” will be written one day at a time. In public, for the public.
Books will be free. Writers will be poor. And writers will come to realize that there are far too many choices.
A whole new paradigm is being created.
One page per day, almost like reality TV. People will read blogs, and over time, they will have “read a book” and not even know it.
Eventually, this new paradigm will give way to the next.