There’s Also Spring Cleaning

Yesterday Spring arrived around the world. In addition to what we’ve been talking about this week, there’s also the notion of annual Spring cleaning. Good luck with that.

Insight: Taking the easy way out is not a permanent solution. Attics and basements are a luxury in Florida. We have no hidden junkyard to take the easy way out.

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And Then There’s Digital

A ton of stuff to move, categorize and store.

I didn’t forget digital files in yesterday’s list. The post was getting too long. So, anyway, organize digital files with a combo of external hard drives, clouds, and the delete key. And like paper files, label and categorize digital files effectively.

Insight: Just because things are “invisible” doesn’t mean they don’t pile up.

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How Do You Organize The Paperwork Of Your Life?

Looks like a mountain of paperwork, if you use your imagination.

Where we organize our paperwork at home is one thing, how we do it is entirely another matter. Just because I have a great view from my desk doesn’t mean the life’s in-box is  manageable. I keep files for:

  • Big ticket reference items that last a lifetime (mortgage, insurance, medical, bank, etc)
  • Current year files (bills only)
  • Home files (A-Z, everything that makes a house work, instructions, contracts, etc)
  • Work files (milestones, reviews, awards, etc)
  • Family memories (vacations, child, pet, etc)

Insight: The older we get, the more challenging it will be to manage the volume and the harder it is to let go of sentimental items. We must figure this out or get buried.

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Where Do You Organize The Paperwork Of Your Life?

Yes, it was scary moving the desk from it's 17-year resting place.

Does our personal life deserve an oak desk and a nice leather chair? Or maybe a private room with a door? And a window view? There are as many variations to organizing our paperwork as there are people. I’ve found the key is to keep experimenting and improving.

Insight: A huge improvement was moving our desk 10 feet across the floor. Now, instead of facing a wall, I look out the second floor window. This only took 17 years to discover.

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