Skip Knew What He Was Doing

Visionary Tool?
Visionary Tool?

After all, Skip is a Marine.  And, he’s been a friend, for like 30 years. We roomed together for a year while in college.

If you read yesterday’s comment, Skip accomplished his “mission”. I knew he was baiting me, but couldn’t resist his bait.

And if you read my reply to his comment, you would have discovered that what I’ve shared so far is literally just the tip of the iceberg. The vision for how these five blogs can make a significant impact on humanity will blow your mind.

It will be revealed as time passes. While the audience is our son (9), everyone who has a desire to do good and decent work is invited. Most likely, if you visit here regularly, you also have a desire to be a better person, and you also dream crazy impossible dreams.

Outward Bound Lesson

Nature Is Our Best Teacher
Nature Is Our Best Teacher

Ever expect to learn something in class, but the lesson or insight is so powerful, it stays with you for the rest of your life?

Spring Break 1980, I think. Road trip. West Chester, Pennsylvania to Morgantown, North Carolina, for the North Carolina Outward Bound School.

Camping, hiking, climbing, repelling, orienteering, training, experiential learning, laughing, sweating, campfire cooking, no shower for a week at a time.

The (unexpected) big take away?

The only limitations we have are those we impose upon ourselves.


I'm Guessing North
I'm Guessing North

Are you easily squirrel distracted?

I am.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Do great work.

Lead a balanced life.

It happens one day at a time.

Tomorrow’s post will be from squirrel somewhere different.  🙂

2,000 Blog Posts?

Life's Big Choices
Life's Big Choices

Not any more.

Passed 2,000 blog posts today.

The way it seems, there are only two others blogging more prolifically:

  1. Perez Hilton
  2. Seth Godin

Weird.  Lots of weird stuff in the past few days.  When you begin to read all five, everyday, you’ll see how everything in life is linked.

You’ll satisfy your curiosity, in real time, for how an ordinary person lives an extra-ordinary life. Not because of any special gifts or talents, but simply using focus and discipline.

Effort and focus in one area pays dividends in another. Lack of focus in one area, negatively impacts another.

Sorry, you already know that.

PS. This is why there are five daily blogs: MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, MONEY and HQ (headquarters).


Focus On Your Sphere Of Influence
Focus On Your Sphere Of Influence

Do GREAT work today.

It’s up to you and no one else.

People are counting on you.

You already knew that, sorry.

As you look in the mirror today for inspiration, do you see a molehill or a mountain?