Orlando Science Center

Orlando Science Center has programs for the community to spend the night.

Our Church’s Cub Scout Pack is going, which means my son, a Wolf Cub, and I are going.

It should be a good sleepover.  

I hope I don’t snore too loud.

Have a great Saturday night, whatever your plans are.  Carpe PM, jeff noel  🙂


TGIF?   Thank God It’s Friday, right?

Crazy thing, I thank God it’s Every day.

Every day is a gift.   I’m tempted, in my crazy busy life, to forget this, or at the very least, put it off until tomorrow.

Why, because I (falsely) think tomorrow I’ll have more time.

Any of this ringin’ a bell?

So, until further notice, I’m celebrating everything.   Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

PS.  Of course, you have four other posts to click through, on the right column.   Don’t know how long five posts per day is possible, but I’m trying to find out.  🙂

Two Choices?

Two choices everyday?

To do, or not to do.

Or in this particular example, to write or not to write.

This is my fifth post today.   Rather than not write, I decided to write this.

The right column can lead you to the other  four posts.  They’re all decent perspectives on a variety of important life themes.

It’s your choice.  To click, or not to click.  Make it a great day and carpe diem, jeff  🙂

Whose got time?

Who has time to do everything?

Why do I try to do so much?

If I can’t do it all, which should I do and which should I let go of?

While I don’t have answers to these questions, yet, it will not stop me from asking and trying.

Life is hard and difficult.   It can also be glorious.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

You should also know this

This is a followup to last night’s post on Apple versus Microsoft.

I LOVE my Toshiba laptop and my Internet connection.  It works fast, is very reliable, and I am very good at it.

What intrigues me about Apple?

It’s understated simplicity.

It’s vision to compete, even though the market clearly shows it as the underdog.

Humans don’t like change.  Apple IS change.  The iPhone IS change.

Bob Dylan once said, “He who is not busy being born, is busy dying”.

Who is changing faster, better?   Microsoft or Apple?

May I challenge you to evaluate your attitude toward change and give yourself an honest grade?

Make today a GREAT day to consider change as a theme and act.  Because if you don’t, who will?  If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂