Gotta Say It

It's My Job To Say Things
It's My Job To Say Things

Life on the road is challenging.

There ain’t no glamor on the road. There is a very strong sense of accomplishment, helping people see what excellence looks like, how it works, and what they might try differently to become more excellent.

That’s a huge privilege I get, as a professional speaker.

The downside? Is there one?


What do you gotta say?  How would you say it?  Why?

These are questions only you can answer. Do you? Will you?

How An Idea Virus Works

Who Needs A Flu Shot?
Who Needs A Flu Shot?

Someone says or writes something that others find more than just interesting, they find it important, and then feel compelled to share it with others, because they know their friends and associates will find it important too.

This is a New York Times article about Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger.

Something Completely Different

You're A Hoser, Eh
You're A Hoser, Eh

Attention Deficit, easily distracted, over-achiever, multi-tasker, you name it, this will satisfy your curiosity for new and cool things on the Internet – popular links to great Internet domains.

We may never see you again, but remember this, where else can you find a person that writes five daily blogs, even while traveling Internationally?

Outward Bound Lesson

Nature Is Our Best Teacher
Nature Is Our Best Teacher

Ever expect to learn something in class, but the lesson or insight is so powerful, it stays with you for the rest of your life?

Spring Break 1980, I think. Road trip. West Chester, Pennsylvania to Morgantown, North Carolina, for the North Carolina Outward Bound School.

Camping, hiking, climbing, repelling, orienteering, training, experiential learning, laughing, sweating, campfire cooking, no shower for a week at a time.

The (unexpected) big take away?

The only limitations we have are those we impose upon ourselves.