Happy Mother’s Day

World's Best Mommy
World's Best Mommy

My Son’s Mother is amazing.

Just before our son was born in 2000, a colleague gave me the best piece of advice for raising children, and he said it was told to him by a very old and very wise woman.

“You only need to remember two things when it comes to raising children. You can’t hold them too much and you can’t love them too much.”

A few years later, I shared this story with a group and afterwards one man approached me and said, “There’s a third thing. Love their Mother.


The World Isn't Going To Wait For You
The World Isn't Going To Wait For You

Why do we allow our childhood dreams to wither and die?

Is it because too many people tell us we can’t, we shouldn’t, it’s not worth it, you’ll fail, it’s too much work?

Ignoring the Internet would be like ignoring indoor plumbing. A long time ago, there wasn’t indoor plumbing. Guess where you went to the bathroom?

What if someone still didn’t embrace indoor plumbing?

The Internet is strangely similar to indoor plumbing.  It’s a tool that makes our lives infinitely easier.

And for the few who work the hardest, it gives them a voice.

And a better opportunity to live out their childhood dreams.

Streets Of Philadelphia


Gave A Speech To Change The World
Gave A Speech To Change The World

The movie, Philadelphia,  starring Tom Hanks, and featuring a song by Bruce Springsteen, won many awards, and was a ground-breaking, big budget Hollywood movie about Aids.

And of course all the Rocky movies with Sylvester Stallone, as Rocky Balboa – they were set on the streets on Philadelphia.

Spent the past two days there and never left the Hilton Hotel.

No streets of Philadelphia, no Rocky moments, no sight-seeing. Just work.

Are you thankful for the heavy load you are carrying?

How Much Do You Love?

Some Parental Memories Are Blurry
Some Parental Memories Are Blurry

How much do your parents love you?

How much do you love your parents?

Our parent’s love for us is immeasurable, even if it doesn’t seem so. Maybe they just aren’t great at expressing it.

Anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a child should understand this amazing bond.