Got roots?

Corn stalks require strong roots
Corn stalks require strong roots to remain upright. So do we.


Got roots?

How do others know?

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Road trip to Indianapolis (again)

The epitome of organization is Walt Disney World
The epitome of organization is Walt Disney World


Being organized can never become an option. It must be a non-negotiable. Unless you enjoy chaos, confusion, stress, and hassles. There are a few people and places that remind me just how dangerous this is.

And these people and places serve as a great warning. Because the ones that make being organized look easy distract us from the reality of what happens to people who are not organized.

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How quickly we ride the high from success or accomplishment

Disney's Magic Band theme park admission device
Disney’s Magic Band theme park admission device


How quickly we ride the high from success or accomplishment, only to be brought quickly back to reality.

Probably going to lay low on the book progress. We will have to see. I do not like the uncomfortable sense of pride that comes with this milestone.

Perhaps that will change forever once the first purchased copy is in my hands.

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