It is ridiculous. To think that a bunch of guys with ordinary lives, doing ordinary jobs, would someday be riding around in a big tour bus, makin’ that easy money:
After 9/11, it was time for this.
Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.
It is ridiculous. To think that a bunch of guys with ordinary lives, doing ordinary jobs, would someday be riding around in a big tour bus, makin’ that easy money:
After 9/11, it was time for this.
A previous post revealed the BFO, two days ago. We should be focused and flexible. Remember?
Okay, so when everyone else is in a hurry, and your intuition tells you to slow down.
And everyone keeps shouting, “Come on, let’s go”.
You don’t budge.
Does this make you inflexible, disagreeable, and stupid?
Or does it make you the wisest of the group?
My neighbor served in Vietnam as a “Gunner“. He operated the machine gun with the long chain of bullets that a second person had to constantly feed it. He’s one of the sweetest, most gracious, and most caring men on the planet.
He most likely is showing the signs of Agent Orange.
This is not the way his life was supposed to go. He put his life on the line, for years, so that you and I can walk around in Peace.
So, may I be unpolitically correct and ask you to pray for our troops, even the ones who are your retired neighbors?
Unpolitically correct. Brought to you courtesy, of the Red, White and Blue. Click here to watch The Angry American, by Toby Keith.
Be flexible and focused. Words to live by.
And yet, sometimes I don’t want to be flexible. There are times when intuition provides an obvious answer, and being flexible is out of the equation.
However, there’s a paradox: When you don’t think flexibility is an option, you look like you aren’t flexible.
There are many who do not look ahead. This goes against the Boy Scout motto that was ingrained in my young psyche.
Be prepared.
This begs a question: “Should prepared people lower their standards for people who don’t prepare”?
But you can try. Not every post I write is gonna make your day. Yet I write with that intent.
Walt Disney said, “Aim for perfection, settle for excellence”.
Vince Lombardi said, “In chasing perfection, we will catch excellence”.
jeff noel said, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.
Better to try and fail, than not try at all. Being transparent on the Internet is a gutsy thing to do. Don’t believe it, you try. For those who get this and still follow, thank you.
For those critics out there, thank you. For the cynic, well, I forgive you. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂