Trying Something New

Anyone Seen My Phone?
Anyone Seen My Phone?

How challenging is your daily grind?

Meaning, the day to day administrative stuff, like paying bills, deciding when and where to get the oil changed (assuming you have a vehicle), whether to have a battery powered alarm clock as a backup for the electric one and what type to purchase.

Or the process for storing your car keys, wallet, and cell phone, so you never lose these things. Or keeping a backup phone charger in the most logical place.

Without a decent handle on the day-to-day things, your life piles up and overwhelms you.

Ya with me?

(next blog)

Signed A Five-Book Deal

You know I’ve been writing five different blogs everyday for a year now, right?

In fact today marks the one-year anniversary of the writing initiative to reinvent blogging and diversify social media.

It hasn’t gone unnoticed.

A small New England Publisher (and a values-based organization) and I have been in publishing negotiations for several months now, shortly after returning from the World Championships in Finland.

Yesterday, we finally reached an agreement and we signed the contract!

A book a year for the next five years!

Can you believe it.  Five books.  I have worked all my life for this moment.

Wanted to wait until this morning to tell my Family, and you.

Blood, Sweat And Tears Has Paid Off
Blood, Sweat And Tears Has Paid Off

Oh, and there’s one more thing you should know:

April Fools!

Note: This was the April Fools Day post I had put up April 1, 2010, and almost immediately took it down.  Had some feedback that it wasn’t that funny. After reading it again this morning, decided it really is post-worthy. Hope it made you smile.

(next blog)

Just To Be Clear

I Feel Your Pain
I Feel Your Pain

We’ve been talking about careers, resumes, LinkedIn, standing out in a crowd, etc.

It’s brutal isn’t it?

Trying to stand out.

Trying to move forward.

Imagine trying to pitch a book that you think will help make the world a better place.

Book publishers have never heard that before, right?

(next blog)

Here’s The Challenge With

How Do You Get Your Foot In The Door?
How Do You Get Your Foot In The Door?

The challenge with resumes is two fold:

  1. They’re inflated
  2. They sound the same

This was my point with the post about LinkedIn profiles the other day.

Of course, everyone looking for a job is going to say, “I’m very smart. I’m really bright. I’m so smart.”

I mean, seriously, what else are they going to say?

They All Start To Look The Same
They All Start To Look The Same

So if there’s a sea of silver and white (smart) fish, how do you become the rainbow (desirable) fish? The one that people go, “Did you see that fish?”

If I were you, I’d go change your profile right now. Or else you can just keep swimming, just keep swimming….because…

The More You See, The Worse It Gets
The More You See, The Worse It Gets

It’s tempting to think, “Who the heck does he think he is telling me I should change my LinkedIn Profile, or my Resume? My professional resume and LinkedIn profile are fine.”

To which I just smile and so, “Oh, okay, sorry, what was I thinking?”

Seriously, Go Change Your Profile
Seriously, Go Change Your Profile

(next blog)