i will…

Many Glacier Hotel, Glacier National Park
Every once in awhile, we should do some of the things we’ve been promising ourselves we would do if we got the chance.


i will…

Do one thing that is easy, important, game changing.


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Is it possible to organize our stress?

NYC graveyard
Death is fair and inclusive because no one is denied. So what is there to stress about?


Is it possible to organize our stress?

Do we have ways to decompress, put on hold, creatively solve for, and even enjoy our stress?

What if we did?


What if?

Would it change everything?

How could it not?

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Dear everybody…

City at night from Delta Connection flight
Normally don’t fly at night. Oh well.


Dear readers, thank you for organizing your days around the opportunity to read these five blogs.

Dear passion, thank you for the desire to write them everyday.

Dear son, thank you for your bravery to live an honest life.

Dear Cheryl, the best is yet to come.

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PS. Greetings from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Waiting line offers people the chance to doodle on a chalk board

Caribou Coffee shop at Minneapolis airport
The waiting line for coffee offers people the chance to doodle on a chalk board (lower right)


Caribou Coffee shop at Minneapolis airport
We are all kids at heart, and teachers – some using simple diagrams to explain life’s five big choices


We are all kids at heart. And we are teachers as well – some of us use a simple diagram to explain life’s five big choices:

mind • body • spirit • money • hq

We think, we move, we feel, we earn, we dwell.

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