Being well and remaining amazed is easiest when…

WordPress logo made from legos
WordPress changes lives


Being well and remaining amazed is easiest when…

We are more organized than not organized.

Life in general, and writing a book in particular, is directly proportional to our systems and processes for day to day life, and the unrelenting obstacles it so freely, and non discriminatingly shares.

Excuses be banned damned.

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Seven year itch and the Internet domain?

American flag and jeff noel
That flag looks familiar


Are we willing to wait a long, long time for big things to happen? How about waiting seven years?

The previous owner of had it for seven years.

Being organized enough to use GoDaddy’s backorder feature, I waited, and waited.

And waited.

The previous owner was given a 60-day grace period, including multiple reminders that their domain name had expired and will be up for grabs if they don’t renew. And this is on top of reminders before hand that it was about to expire.

Is owning the worth the wait?

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Do good things come to those who wait?

dot com
what the owners wouldn’t give to have eh?


Do good things come to those who wait? What do you think? It’s also the notion of self-fulfilling prophesy – the simple law of attraction.

For Boomers, securing a domain name, website, and blog is a strange, no-previous-experience proposition. You must be remarkably lucky to get your name as a dot com.

The dot net, dot org, dot biz, dot info… not nearly as impossible…

This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog


Unrest Is Your Friend

Patience’s burden can feel unBEARable

Patience is a virtue.

And sometimes, an excuse.

As a Father, I’ve learned you can not teach patience with impatience.

But as the CEO of an entrepreneurial business, patience is simply a tool until you can no longer remain patient.

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