We All Have Addictions

Are We Trained For Them?
Are We Trained For Them?

We all have addictions.

“No we don’t”, is the echo we can hear from some of you.

“Yes we do”, is the echo we can hear from some others, including myself.

Is it hereditary?  Click here to read this article that suggests it is.

Pick your poison:

Approval, chocolate, work, sex, TV, food, Internet, exercise, reading, pessimism, optimism, Love, Faith, Hope, Money, shopping, volunteering, excuses, greed, jealously, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, pain, pleasure, video games, gambling, competition, failure, success, nicotine, etc.

Longfellow Quote

Is More Better?
Is More Better?

“Give what you have.  To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This Longfellow quote came to me in a most unusual way. A piece of mail from Senior’s First, a Central Florida charity to help seniors who can not help themselves.

But what is so powerful is recently, I was talking to someone about what happened on Christmas day, while we where doing our 11th annual Christmas day tradition – delivering Food for Families.

The month before doing the same thing on Thanksgiving day, we had a van full of food, and got lost, spending several hours making deliveries.

But on Christmas morning, as we pulled away from Ocoee High School, Cheryl said all the deliveries were on the same street.  We found the street in about 15 minutes, delivered the food and were done.

Cheryl asked if we should go back and do more.

And I said, “No. We shouldn’t let the amount of time determine the value of our efforts. We should feel good about what we did to help.”

And so it goes, the constant battle to listen to society’s stereotypes and what’s in our hearts.