Heard this phrase the other night, probably on the TV as I was walking though a room, and I wrote it down.
“The art of compromise.”
We can take guesses as to what this means, or we can simply make up our own meaning. That’s what I did, and came up with five different ways:
- Compromising our mind, intellect
- Compromising our body, health
- Compromising our spirit, faith
- Compromising our money, career
- Compromising just about everything, CEO of Me, Inc.
The comment’s intent targeted the Senators power to say “no” to President Obama – relationships and the passing of President Obama’s Health Care Bill.
Some Senators held their vote until they got a really good deal for their state. This had people debating it’s fairness, and the Senator’s enormous power to say, “No.”
At the end of the day, it’s really about relationships and who you know.
Or maybe, just maybe, it’s about who you no.