Why are Mondays so scary?
Most people hate Mondays. Can someone please explain this to me?
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Why are Mondays so scary?
Most people hate Mondays. Can someone please explain this to me?
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While it would be nice to have everyone’s approval, acceptance and encouragement, it ain’t gonna happen.
When was the last time a United States President won every single vote, every single State?
When was the last time any elected official earned 100% approval.
Um, never.
Same here. I’m now nearly fully dressed with the necessary emotional battle armor required to follow audacious dreams, the same (but different) dreams you used to have, or maybe still do.
I hear my clock ticking louder and faster than ever. There is no turning back. There is no more worrying about approval or acceptance.
If there was, I’d be like the 97%.
Okay, so I made that up. But you know there are some people who actually hate vacation, because vacation takes them away from their medicine.
Huh? Yes, their medicine. As a workaholic myself, from a long line of workaholics, being busy and then suddenly not being busy, well, you can almost see the panic rush in.
And honestly, I’m having a moment right now that has me wondering, “How bad is my disease?” Today is the first day of a two-week vacation.
How will I function if I don’t have anything pressing at work?
Just for the record, I do NOT hate vacation, but here is the short list of things jeff noel does hate: