What are the limits to our learning?

Apple Special Event 2015
iPhone screen shot of Apple Special Event two days ago.


Where do you learn?

Is it structured?

Does it cost money?

Watching the Apple special event two days ago i watched with two key focuses:

  1. The way Apple arranged it’s keynote presentation.
  2. The way the presenters dressed.

It’s a style i am emulating.

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Disney’s secret sauce trained me to be an expert advisor

College buddy reunion
Friends since 1977, intentionally reuniting since 1981.


What makes my speaking platform so different from others is the research and testing that has gone into it from 30 years at Disney. In a nutshell, here’s Disney’s (and my) secret sauce:

Disney has taught me to be intentional at over managing the details others either under manage or ignore.

That’s it.


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It’s like the 2007 unveiling of the iPhone

Not expecting nor encouraging anyone to watch Steve Jobs unveil the iPhone in 2007, but it’s here if you want to.



The effort to get a business set for scalability is exciting, and a ton of uncommon work.

If it’s done properly (intentionally and brilliantly) it’s like the 2007 unveiling of the iPhone.

Game changing.

That’s what i’ve been working on consistently since retiring from Disney eight months ago.

Slowly. Deliberately. Intentionally. Creatively.

To unveil a product and approach no one else in the world offers.

A category of one.


Bold is as bold does.

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All you need is one percent more to have final say

Disney, Best, Leadership, Speaker
Photo: David Smith: Last week giving a speech in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.


Be organized enough to know this and deliver on it.

Is there any currency more valuable than time?

All those books that use short cuts and secrets to lure you into buying them.

How have they served you?

The long way is the short cut.

Since retiring from Disney, my “get to do” versus “have to do” percentage has moved from:

51/49 to 95/5


If you ever have a business partner, never go 50/50.

When you disagree, there’s no tie-breaker, there’s stale mate.

But all you need to have controlling interest, and critical decision making authority, is 51%.

Same in life.

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When people hate you, you are making progress

jeff noel disney consulting
First draft
jeff noel disney consulting
Second/final draft
MOO business card order
Ordered last night. The backs of the cards feature gapingvoid cartoons.


Is it Friday already? Yes.

Seriously, it snuck up on me.

Being decently organized is tougher when your wife is out of town for ten days.

It’s also tougher when you quit retire leave your dream job to become an entrepreneur who thinks he can change the world.

Staying up late and getting up early comes with the territory. Being decently organized has many purposes. One of which is to minimize late nights.

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