The sense of accomplishment from practicing what he preaches, jeff noel left Baylor’s Hart-Patterson Track & Field Complex and stopped (how could he not) at Katie’s Frozen Custard.

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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
The sense of accomplishment from practicing what he preaches, jeff noel left Baylor’s Hart-Patterson Track & Field Complex and stopped (how could he not) at Katie’s Frozen Custard.
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As a world-class Master’s Track & Field 400 meter runner himself, jeff noel couldn’t fathom being on Baylor’s campus and not touching the track where four Olympic Gold medal 400 meter runners trained. On the other hand, noel had spent 10 hours traveling, was beat, and had an early call time the next morning…
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jeff noel studied the Baylor University campus map, rubbed his eyes, looked again and mumbled softly, “Where the heck is the track?”
Spotting a couple students shooting hoops, noel soon got directions. I-35 South, right on Valley Mills, another right at Katie’s Frozen Custard, it’ll be on that road, can’t miss it.
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Happy December from all of us at Mid Life Celebration, LLC. Founder jeff noel is a road warrior as a motivational speaker, wellness and work life balance expert. Recently, at Baylor University, there were impressional images both high and low. Baby Boomers, let’s keep our hearts open for our second chance to reThink, rePrioritize and reCommit.
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