Hope Is Not A Game Plan

Hard work is a great game plan.

Hope is not a game plan.

Hope is indispensable, please don’t misunderstand the intent here.

But hope alone, is not a game plan, hard work is:

  • Vision
  • Passion
  • Selflessness
  • Love
  • Service
  • Tenacity
  • Indomitable Will

Rather try hard and fail, than to simply hope and never try hard enough.

Resist the temptation to lean on self-pity.  Click here if all you want right now is hope. You must have hope.  It’s not a game plan, but it is the start.

Google CEO Needs Coaching

Who needs a coach?  Do you need a coach?  Pretty sure I need a coach. In fact, after listening to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, I’m convinced.


Listen to Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, talk briefly, but accurately, about why people need a coach, and decide for yourself.

Good luck. Well, actually, luck has nothing to do with it. At least not until you have put in some serious effort. Then luck starts to work in your favor, but not before. Carpe diem.

No, It’s Not!

Everything can’t be important. Period.  It can’t be.

What’s a person to do?  I mean, to sort through it all and come out with a prioritized list?

Here’s what I did:

  • Sorted to four big life choices
  • Prioritized top ten lists for the big four
  • Work desperately hard every day
  • Exercise focus & discipline
  • Remember my purpose in life

While it ain’t perfect, it is light years ahead of my old daily structure. Life is a journey.

“He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.” – Bob Dylan

If you would like to share, either in the comments here or via confidential email at [email protected] You are always welcome to do so.

Everything Is Important

Seems like it.  Doesn’t it?

Was recently viewing a live streaming feed on WordPress.  WordPress hosts WordCamp

Was reminded that social media, and blogging in particular, is a phenomenon.

Being 50 and embracing blogging and social media, while raising a son (9), is an interesting place to be in cyberspace, in a rapidly changing web 2.0 world.

While still trying to figure it out, everything points to communicating with others, and offering something that others want.

What do people want?  Not sure exactly.  Meanwhile though, I’ll continue to be guided by a heart-felt desire to make a difference in our world.

PS.  I realize my path, style, whatever you want to call it, may be good and it may also not be good.  Rather try and fail than not try. Ya with me?

Freedom Provided By Our Sponsors, Veterans

Freedom.  The United States of America.  Freedom.  United States Military Veterans.

Click here to see an inspirational video in honor of our American Veterans.

Monday night an old friend walked through our front yard to pay a visit.  We were in a hurry to go to our company’s service awards banquet.  So it was a brief visit at our doorstep.

Now keep in mind, from across the street, another neighbor saw this.  He didn’t know I knew the person.

So, a Vietnam Veteran, a Marine, came walking marching across the street.  He said, “I didn’t know who that was and I was just coming over to see if you needed any help”.

Johnnie is retired, and is battling some health challenges. He was covering my back. That’s what Marines do.  That’s what our Military does.  Like I said, Freedom – provided by our sponsors, the United States of America Veterans, active duty, civilians, and their families.