Whoa There, One More Thing, Please Don’t Think I Don’t Know That Life Is Crazy And All This Looks Good On Paper (Perseverance)

Whoa, hold on cowboy! You don’t think I get it? Life is insanely busy. Full of great blessings, but equally full of hardship, overwhelming commitments, yada, yada.

And this is exactly why July’s message, while tedious, is really the glue that holds the whole thing together.

(btw, the weight of the world often feels unbearable where I live)

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Am Not Quite Ready For This Type Of Blogging Success

How do we judge our (blogging) success? Is there a universal metric? Does 4,300+ blog posts make one a prolific blogger? Does volume equal success? What about blog visits, website hits, page views?

Twice this week GoDaddy’s site analytics showed 5,000+ daily visits.

I’m still playing around with a landing page and am not quite ready for this type of blogging success.

Remember, Most Of The Time The Insightful Message Is Not The One That’s Obvious (Initiative)

At the risk of looking wishy-washy, I’m just gonna come out and say it. If you want to have great people and services working for you, be a great customer.

The second message is if you’re a great customer and the business neglects your love, fix it or move on.

Hint: If they neglect your love, it might be because you’re not a very good customer.

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How Difficult Would Your Life Get Without Running Water? And How Long Would That Take? (Water, Well)

We put out cold drinks on that hot day they replaced our pressure tank.

Hard to imagine life without water. In fact, we can’t. Not even possible. Many of us dream of country living. Some even do it. And this requires a well.

We’ve use Dodge Well Drilling for 20 years. Jim Dodge: 352-636-5805 & Charlie Dodge: 407-299-8090 are well experts and very responsive.

(I know 99.9% of you don’t need a well driller. But you know the real, invisible, point to this post, right?)

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Do You Promise To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth? (Attorney)

What if life goes from this….

To this?

Most people never need an attorney. Our legal decisions never get too complicated. But what if they do?

Attorneys are busy people and everyone wants free advice (attorneys tire of this). There are many different types of attorneys. What’s your approach?

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