Love Affair With Technology

Know what you get when you keep your software up to date?

You get opportunity. For a buck, Apple’s face time app is available.

It’s like Skype, only easier.

For those of you who struggle to keep up with it all, welcome to the club. Let’s inspire each other to press on, even when overwhelmed (which is daily).

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Some Messages Are Obvious, Yet Still Require Blatant Reminders

A Chandler, Arizona Resort restaurant displayed this sign at the door.

Some messages are obvious, yet still require blatant reminders

And yet, we need reminders to be organized.

I think I’ll post a big, bold sign at my door, “Being Disorganized Is Bad Medicine”.

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Inspiration To Be Organized Can Come From Anywhere

Out for a jog, 2,300 miles from Orlando and Walt Disney World, I could have run under this banner and never given it a second thought.

But what I do is provide readers (you) daily reminders.

It’s a charity and mission work that feels as good giving as it does receiving.

Being organized is it’s own reward.

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Did You Get Here Via jungle jeff?

Smile if you’ve just seen the back of this Halifax Seaport commercial hut 🙂

If you follow all 5 daily blogs jeff noel writes, you probably came from jungle jeff to get here.

Trying to be organized enough to accomplish whatever it is you want?

This very often means deliberately standing out.

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