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The Chicken Whisperer
One speaker highlighted The Chicken Whisperer’s story.


The thing about being organized to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts for 2,238 consecutive days is that it’s easy to start riffing and go on and on about something. When that happens, balance out the other posts that day with some…

Posts like this one.

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In two days does the world change?

Apple Watch announcement
The next big breakthrough. Photo taken while watching Apple Conference on MacBook Air.


In two days does the world change? In two days, it’ll be Friday, April 10 and these two fairly remarkable milestones will have been accomplished:

  1. Apple begins taking orders for their Apple Watch
  2. Disney Keynote Speaker, Author, and prolific blogger jeff noel publishes his 11,000th blog post

Most of the world could care less about either one. But for you crazies, you misfits, you rebels, you wonderfully visionary few, here’s to you.

Live like you mean it.

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Can’t tell you and you’d never believe it anyway

Florida mailbox with good news
The payoff for hard, relentless work? A check in the mail. A big check.


How does one organize themselves to be able to spend two hours writing each morning – without a single exception – for six consecutive years?

Can’t tell you, it’s a secret.

You’d never believe it anyway.

Tomorrow ends the sixth year. Day after that begins the seventh year.

The secret isn’t a secret by the way.

People won’t believe that either.

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Trademark short and pithy posts, where art thou?

Pink high heels at Disney Park
Are the pink shoes on the right overkill for Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park?


The trademark short and pithy posts sometimes seem anything but since retiring from Disney five months ago. The posts aren’t long and drawn out, but they are not two to four sentences either.

This too shall pass.

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