The founder’s story is so crucial, yet so forgotten

The Nicholson's Florida Hospital
Photo taken at Nicholson Center. The Nicholson’s, founders of the Nicholson Center Florida Hospital.


It’s up to us to be organized to perpetuate our story. Why perpetuate ‘our story’?

Because no one will do it for us. Not while we’re alive anyway.

But why does it matter?

Because it may be the thing that inspires someone else to their own greatness. And by greatness we’re talking about making a difference in the lives of others.

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Creating memories with simple gestures

Montessori Middle School Owl Room
Cheryl coordinated bringing in Chinese for lunch on the next to last day of school.


Creating memories with simple gestures.

Simple doesn’t mean easy, it just means simple.

Supplying a middle school classroom with a wonderful Chinese lunch buffet is anything but easy if you do it Disney-style.

And Cheryl does everything Disney Cheryl-style: first class all the way.

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Over-managing the things everyone else does

Mickey Mouse being kissed by two women
Mickey can become a little embarrassed when certain things happen.


Disney Institute Speakers
Some of Disney Institute’s finest speakers (except 2nd from right), maybe 2012


Over-managing the same things most under-manage or ignore.

For example, certain traits that Disney is famous for.

Having Disney characters express the full range of human emotions, like Mickey Mouse above.

Having humans express the opposite of typical business emotions, like me above.

Walt taught me us that laughter is no enemy to learning.

Walt said we should take what we do very seriously, but that we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously.

PS. i’m naturally drawn to over achieve. My goal was to get Mike Reardon, far right, to laugh.

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