Casual effort in HQ contaminates the other four

Iowa River dam in Iowa City
The past is water over the dam. The future is up to us.


The in-box of life just keeps filling up. Day after day. Relentless. This is why HQ organization is so critical to balancing our mind, body, spirit and career.

Get too far behind or too disorganized on what’s a priority and what isn’t and everything else is contaminated.

We stress out so our attitude gets tainted. We don’t have time to exercise, so our health insidiously declines. We don’t have time to pray or be still, so our focus becomes more on ourselves and less on others. We struggle to keep up at work and we are passed by for opportunities and growth.

We know this.

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She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership

Young girl from TV commercial
Business folk get a small handful of extraordinary leaders in their lifetime


She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership. So I asked her why.

She said because they were so obviously unprepared it was embarrassing, and because she acted oblivious to it all, they both thought she was not aware.

It was a big, once-a-year, close-out-the-year type meeting. One of those meetings that reflects the entire body of a year’s worth of art work.

Ever have that happen?

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The paradox of being an author – saying a lot without writing a lot

Mid Life Celebration book table of contents
Simplicity is a core value – demonstrating it is harder than it looks


Infinite wisdom:

I would have loved to have written you a shorter letter but did not have the time.

The paradox of being an author – saying a lot without writing a lot.

PS. Sent an email to the publisher last night (a Sunday) green lighting the whole project: manuscript, front/back covers, spin, copyright page.

This is a big deal and one that fear is shouting, are you sure you want to do this?

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MBA project projected to be finished by Christmas 2013

Mid Life Celebration MBA book project
Do we live as if everything is important?


MBA project forecasted to be finished by Christmas day 2013, which is today and which is also one week ahead of the five-year deadline of January 1, 2014.

It was the most unique and exciting MBA project that stood out in the long search for creative options.

Expensive tuition.

Pass or fail.

Create a business that generates passive income and opportunities for future income growth as a one-of-a-kind artist.

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Note: This post written September 14, 2013, roughly 100 days from the day this post goes live (Christmas day).