Slowing down is a great way to see things differently on purpose

Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c
Slowing down is a great way to see things differently on purpose


Slowing down is a great way to see things differently on purpose. At one point an Apple Store employee (whom I hadn’t met yet) kindly asked me to come out from behind the window display. In seeking different vantage points there was a small risk – breaking a relatively minor rule.

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One of the best ways to stay motivated is to be organized

Orlando WordPress 2013 advertisement
There are many free, local ways to learn


One of the best ways to stay motivated is to be organized.


One of the best ways to write is to use a blog.

There are plenty of inexpensive website domain name hosting companies that cost $20 or less each year.

I use GoDaddy for the domain name and for the blogging platform.

GoDaddy has any easy way to add WordPress directly to your domain name with just a couple clicks.

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