Big Day (News At 11)

There's Joy In Life's Simple Pleasures
There's Joy In Life's Simple Pleasures

You know how it feels, right?

The day has finally arrived.

The BIG day that you’ve been waiting for.

A day that will change your life.

Today is such a day for my Family.

Expect a You Tube video here, later today.

What was your big day and why?

Editor’s Note: Here’s theĀ video, the one promised 16 hours ago.

(next blog)

Get Used To It

Get Used To This?
Get Used To This?

Yesterday’s post wasn’t inferring The Dalai Lama was a jerk.

It was inferring people who have made significant changes in world history were.

Mostly, these game changers went counter-culture, making others angry, frustrated or uncomfortable.

It’s not uncommon for people to try to make you feel like a jerk, when your intent is to push boundaries. Maybe it’s fear, ignorance, resistance to change, jealousy.

People with the vision to push, are often labeled crazy, heretic, strange.

I have learned a long and hard lesson, there’s only one solution.

Get used to it.

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The Jerk Who Changed The World

You Think His Life Is Easy?
You Think His Life Is Easy?

The Jerk Who Changed The World.


People often ask me, “How do you do it all?”

The same way a single Mother of four children does.

The same way someone battling cancer does.

The same way a person with no limbs does.

The same way someone struggling with depression does.

The same way a Youth Minister builds a new Church.

I do it by doing.

There is no other way.

The secret though, is to have a reason “why”.

But you already knew that.

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Sacrifices & Rewards

Be Creative With Life's Challenges
Be Creative With Life's Challenges

These two generally go hand in hand.

If you can sacrifice some things in order to create and maintain an organized, fairly systematic way to run your life, what do you think the payoff might be?

We all have to figure this out.

And as soon as we do, or maybe even sooner, something else will come along to knock us and our system down.

Fall down seven times, get up eight.

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