Day To Day


It’s hard to keep up with everything, right? Life just keeps piling it on.

How do you handle this?

Do you handle this?

Simplification and prioritization may take a lifetime to master.

It seems worth it to try?

Doesn’t it beat the alternative?

(What are your tips?)

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He Said, Everyday!

Escape Or Opportunity?
Escape Or Opportunity?

People who love what they do are rare in today’s tough economic times. Even in good times, it’s still elusive to have a job you absolutely love to do.

Being the curious creature I am, I asked the middle-age man sitting next to me in first class, “Do you ever think about retirement?”

Everyday!!, he exclaimed without hesitation.

He sounded like he couldn’t wait to leave. Me? Well, I shudder at the thought of leaving. Crazy, huh?

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Whatever You Are, Be A Good One
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One


Answers You Should Know.

Why is there air?

Where do babies come from?

How does one stay organized for a lifetime?

What is the meaning of life?

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Do You Know Why?

Jack Is Part Of The Story...
Jack Is Part Of The Story...

Things happen that can’t be explained. Happens all the time, doesn’t it? And things happen that can be explained. We often shudder at the revelation of the truth.

And there are things that are both.

I can explain why I’m slowing down and not posting on the weekends. In fact, I already have. But do you really know why?

Telling stories and connecting emotionally are two of the most fundamental, and overlooked, keys to successful branding. If you’re struggling with your brand, it may be that you haven’t put enough thought into it.

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