Mountains in autumn
Leadership classroom.

What is your Return on Leadership?

More specifically, what is your home/HQ ROL?

Is your over-focused, intentional investment in your prioritized priorities mindset providing the excellent home/HQ vibrancy leadership returns you originally envisioned?

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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.

ROI ranging from minor to major

Rocky Mountain National Park sign


(photo: Summer 2014… on a trip and made time for a side trip)

Becoming more organized has obvious benefits.

And these benefits, depending on what gets more organized, have a return on our investment that ranges from minor to major.

Summer has been spent savoring some special moments that for 30 years never seemed to fit into a busy, demanding schedule.

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The biggest challenge is being uber conscious

Yellow iPhone 5c
Are we living in the past or living in the now?


The biggest asset required to become and stay organized is to continuously whittle away at the things that no longer add value. The biggest challenge is being uber conscious that everything adds value, yet there are things that add more.

We need to focus on the things that add more, and let go of the things that only add some.

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Invest In An MBA?

We stop learning because, well, we stop trying to learn. Getting an MBA sounds like a good idea – on paper.  But for what? A promise that it will catapult your career? Seriously? Look around at people with MBA’s.

Always the (professional) antagonist, my MBA comes with only one promise. You pass or you fail, and no fancy piece of paper suitable for framing.

You get, or not, a profitable, entrepreneurial business. This is hard.

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