Mid Life Celebration LLC Hits 100k Milestone In June From Humble Beginnings 27 Months Ago (Results)

The ripple effect has begun in earnest…

When Mid Life Celebration, LLC was incorporated January 1, 2009, almost immediately, nothing happened. But on April Fool’s Day an ambitious goal was set: to write in all 5 blogs everyday for 100 straight days.

Two-plus years later, Mid Life Celebration has surpassed 100k monthly visits.

THANK YOU for stopping by to think, smile or be grateful.

Not hits, visits. If I shared the number of monthly ‘hits’, you wouldn’t believe me.

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It Wasn’t A Casual Question Yesterday When I Asked Are You Ready For The Unexpected (Anticipate)

You are the custodian of your life…

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared (Boy Scout motto). You get the picture – life happens. How organized and prepared we are determines to a large extent, our happiness in life.

Not expecting perfect here, but certainly a real attempt at excellence. We should have a person to call in virtually every situation where something can (and will) go wrong.

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Feels Great To Be Back In The Saddle Again, Writing Five Daily, Differently-Themed Blogs (Action)

Back in the saddle?

Today begins the 28th consecutive month of writing 5 daily, differently themed blogs before heading out the door each morning, no matter where in the world I am.

Twice before tried loading 150 posts before the month started, failing each time. Third time’s a charm. June’s posts were prewritten, which allowed Mid Life Celebration’s first book to finish. The habit of daily writing each morning is unstoppable.

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Here’s What Excites Me About May?

University of New Mexico, April 8, 2011, on a morning run…

What is it about life that excites, motivates, and pushes certain people to continuously become a better version of themselves?


Maybe it’s as simple as faith, hope and love.

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All It Takes

Not talking about these men, I’m talking about you and me…

All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. – unknown

All it takes for disorganization to rule your life is for you to do nothing, or procrastinate too long.

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