What Does jeff noel Get?

Yesterday’s question? Remember? What jeff noel gets is in fact what you get, if you do those things. Simply and profoundly this – momentum.

Imagining your greatest successes, didn’t they all need, and eventually have, momentum?

So, the opposite of doing those things, is not doing. Which yields, of course, no momentum. Put up or shut up. Still in?

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Life Of A Rockstar?

There is something about travel that is exciting and adventurous.

If you travel for a living, you don’t have to pay the financial currency, but you still have to pay, except the transaction fee  is with the other currency.


And we all know that Time waits for no one.

Time is also a fair currency. We all get exactly the same.

How will you invest today?

Is There Any Place Like It?


Ever go on vacation and even though you’re relaxing and enjoying yourself, you still have a place inside you that yearns to be home again?

Not everyone experiences it, but many do.

Waking up in your own bed is a nice feeling.  There’s a comfort and familiarity that accompany the daily routine that’s about to begin.

This is all based on the assumption that you’re living in the home that is building you.
