The Reason Younger Generations Can’t See A Boomer’s Potential Is Because They See What Boomers Can’t

Take a long, hard, close up look at your life from all angles (mind, body, spirit, money, hq)

Boomers, go look in the mirror at your naked body. Then find a quiet place, outside preferably, to see your naked soul. And is your attitude riddled with blind spots you should fix, or do you ooze positivity, faith? Are you doing work you love? Is your home and life decently organized or messy?

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Boomers, What We Did Well In The Past Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Younger will always see older as "prehistoric" relics

Sad. But true. Boomers, our past, while important to us now, is irrelevant to younger generations. They don’t remember what we did, nor can they imagine us ever being in peak form for much of anything. They certainly can’t see us as young, vibrant, creative, passionate and willing to take a stand.

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