They are. There’s no question about it.
You can picture someone in your mind right now, can’t you? They are so annoying.
What boggles my mind though, is, “Why?”
Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
They are. There’s no question about it.
You can picture someone in your mind right now, can’t you? They are so annoying.
What boggles my mind though, is, “Why?”
jeff is:
Mind, body, spirit, money – life’s big four choices, big four categories.
jeff is HQ – Headquarters, the “Office” so to speak for our lives. It’s the day to day stuff, the minutia.
It’s the routine, the planned, the unplanned, the emergencies, the daily grind. As simple as “What are we having for dinner tonight” to “I have to get the oil changed soon”.
Finding the right processes and the right structure is a moving target, for our entire lives. And we need to be flexible and creative, or we will drown in our pile of responsibilities.
“What should a young male of 21 know, and what should he be able to do?
There are no conclusive answers to those questions, but they are certainly worth asking.
A young man should know how this country is run and how it got that way.
He should know the Federalist Papers and de Tocqueville, and he should know recent world history. If he does not know what has been tried in the past, he cannot very well avoid those pitfalls as they come up in the future.
A young man should be computer literate and, moreover, should know Hemingway from James Joyce. He should know how to drive a car well–such as is not covered in Driver’s Ed.
He should know how to fly a light airplane. He should know how to shoot well. He should know elementary geography, both worldwide and local. He should have a cursory knowledge of both zoology and botany. He should know the fundamentals of agriculture and corporate economy.
He should be well qualified in armed combat, boxing, wrestling and judo, or its equivalent.
He should know how to manage a motorcycle.
He should be comfortable in at least one foreign language, more if appropriate to his background. He should be familiar with remedial medicine.
These things should be accomplished before a son leaves his father’s household.” — Col. Jeff Cooper
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” — Robert Heinlein
Did you do it yesterday?
Did you do all the things from yesterday’s post?
I did. This Russian blog validates it (second paragraph). Sheer serendipity.