If You Want To Become Excellent In Any Endeavor, Associate With & Surround Yourself With Excellence

Unmatched, World Class 400Meter Pedigree At Baylor University
Associate fervently with excellence and take it seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously

jeff noel knew that the odds were great he’d never be in Waco, Texas again. The decision was simple, figure out how to get on the track or go home empty handed. This sounds like a runner’s story. It’s not. It’s a story about chasing perfection and in the process, settling for excellence – the essence of everything Mid Life Celebration stands for.

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What Does It Take To Become An All-American, At Anything?

Recently drove from Nashville to Pulaski, Tennessee, an All-American City.

Becoming an All-American at anything is to achieve a level of excellence only a small percentage know, understand and pursue.

Coincidentally, jeff noel, aka The Blog Whisperer, has been telling a quiet story about this mindset for a few weeks here.

Don’t expect the puzzle to be in full view if you visit there. Don’t expect the bloom to open right before your eyes either. Nevertheless, expect beauty in both.

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If Tomorrow Never Comes

What are your big plans for April? Remember, impossible or big doesn’t mean something no one else has ever done. It’s means impossible or big relative to what you have never done.

Just so you know, I battle every single day with keeping up, prioritizing, postponing and even completely letting go.

And with change, the more you proactively practice, the better you get at it, which feeds your self-confidence, which just keeps helping you.

Not sure if I’ll be blogging tomorrow. Have a best-selling book to finish. April is get it done month.

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Just To Be Clear

I Feel Your Pain
I Feel Your Pain

We’ve been talking about careers, resumes, LinkedIn, standing out in a crowd, etc.

It’s brutal isn’t it?

Trying to stand out.

Trying to move forward.

Imagine trying to pitch a book that you think will help make the world a better place.

Book publishers have never heard that before, right?

(next blog)


Are you able to be excellent every single day?

It’s incredibly challenging to be excellent every single day.

I mean, who could pull that off, every single day?

But this begs the question, “Then why continue to try to be excellent every single day, even though we know it’s impossible?”

Michael Jordan did not make every last-second shot he took (to win).

And those many times he missed, his team lost.

But he continued to take the potential game winning shot.

Challenging. Challenge. Challenger.

Which will you be?

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