Nearly Every Day

Time Flies (Carter's Been Gone 3.5 months)
Time Flies (Carter's Been Gone 3.5 months)

Do you ever feel like a broken record? Saying the same thing over and over again?

Good.  This means you’re on to something. And the more you explain it, the better you get at explaining it, and the more people you reach and the more intriguing your crazy dream becomes – not only for others, but also for yourself.

Yet knowing this is not enough. Why? Because most people are weak, overwhelmed, distracted, medicated, afraid, insecure. How do I know? Because I’m one of you.

After 14 months, I can count on one hand the number of people who’ve said, “Jeff, writing five differently themed blogs every single day is the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of”.

Ever Notice The Names?

Click On The Photo To Enlarge
Click On The Photo To Enlarge

Two days ago, stopped at an intersection, the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that caught my eye. We all find ourselves reading funny ones, crazy ones, inspiring ones, and sometimes offensive ones.

If you click on this photo, it’ll enlarge and it reads:


We see names like: Wildcats, Bulldogs, Warriors, Rockets, Fighting Irish, Rams, Raiders and other assorted “power names”.

You know what we never see on High School “Team” bumper stickers?  The Bunnies, Chicks, Duckies, Wildflowers, Snowflakes, Gumdrops.

Culture is what people think and do, without thinking.

What if we started to think a bit differently about bumper stickers, names, habits, confidence, tough decisions?

Thank You Readers & Followers

Dream Big. Get Started. Never Stop.
Dream Big. Get Started. Never Stop.

Thank you! Very simply, I’m deeply humbled by your visits.


Not sure exactly. Wasn’t prepared for the 50% website traffic increase in the past three weeks.

When a business is achieving double-digit growth, especially in a highly competitive market, and in today’s brutal economy, to spike like this in such a short period feels surreal.

Skip Gaskill and a blinding flash of the obvious

All Gave Some, Some Gave All
All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Today’s post brought to you by Skip Gaskill:

Freedom Isn’t Free!…..Really?

Most people in this country really don’t/can’t grasp the reality of our country being at war today. We hear about it in the media every day but we as a country are not “really” at war. Why do I say this?

Because with the exception of the families of the fallen and the families of the deployed, we aren’t being asked to do without commodities like soap, sugar, butter, etc., as families were during WWII. We aren’t in blackout conditions at night for public safety. We aren’t working around the clock to produce tanks, ships, or airplanes to meet the needs of the Services. We come and go as we please, we go to work, we go to school, we go to parties, dances, sporting events, etc. We have our freedom.


Because our leaders knew there was going to be a fight one way or another. Our enemy hates us and our way of life. Our very lifestyle is a threat to their beliefs and they are on a campaign to destroy it. So, our leaders decided that it would be better to fight in the enemy’s front yard rather than our own. This decision means that we don’t have to deal with air strikes, suicide bombers, IED’s, or close quarter battle in our streets, our alleys, our yards, and in our homes.

This is a good thing right?

Absolutely yes…with one minor drawback.

It’s a double edge sword…because we took the war to the enemy’s front yard we don’t/can’t feel the threat (which I’m here to tell you is real) here at home and it makes it difficult for us to comprehend the seriousness of the threat. We feel safe. We are Free.

If you take nothing else away from this blog please consider this…don’t ever take your freedom for granted…someone paid the bill on our behalf.

“Freedom has a taste the protected will never know.” – Anonymous (found written on a C-Ration Crate, Khe-Sanh, Republic of Viet Nam)

Ok, back to my words…Skip reminds us in a way we’ve rarely been reminded. Out of sight, out of mind. Right? To the hundreds of thousands of US Service women and men who’ve died to protect our Freedom, we owe a debt of gratitude we can never repay.

What then are we to do?

Forget about it? Will we simply forget about it?


Heaven forbid.