Walt was one of the original disruptors.
He did many things no one had ever done before.
- First cartoon with synchronized sound – Steamboat Wille 1928
- First cartoon in color – Flowers and Trees in 1932
- First multi-plane camera 1932 (Old Mill, 1937 Academy Award)
- First full-length animated feature movie – Snow White 1937
- First Themed Park – Disneyland 1955
- First Themed vacation destination – Walt Disney World 1971
- New CEO Michael Eisner 1984
- New CEO Bob Iger 2005
The milestones are vast in number. These are among the most significant in my experience inside Disney from 1982-2014.
PS. i’m still an insider because i still have a Cast Member ID and we live less than a mile from Walt Disney World.
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