Steve Jobs and jeff noel put big dreams on hold for good reason

Steve Jobs and jeff noel put big dreams on hold for good reason.

Many think the iPhone was next after the iPod.

It wasn’t.

The iPad was next, but it got shelved for later due to unforeseen circumstances – technology that stunned Steve Jobs, in a good way. Steve Jobs personally shares the story in only 75 seconds in the video below.

What does this have to do with jeff?

Many don’t realize that jeff noel never intended to speak about Disney after he retired from Disney on Halloween 2014. For six years prior to retirement, jeff built Mid Life Celebration’s platform to challenge 80-million Baby Boomers to ‘do something great‘ before they die.

But he’s temporarily shelved it.

The video is five minutes, but you can stop watching 75 seconds n because the point will be made.



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Categorized as Rewards

The subgoal is to be lean

Unique, humorous conference door sign.
This conference room door is supposed to be a joke, no doubt.


Americans are so hung up on weight. Yet it seems only a small percentage care to fight the daily battle.

But what about stuff? Material possessions? Like weight, our possessions pile up so slowly we never notice.

Purging files, tweaking the organization of other files, and generally trying to lighten up.

The simple goal in life is peace and contentment.

Peace with who we are. Content with what we have (and don’t have).

The tactic is “lean”.

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