Live before you die (reprise)

Live before you die (reprise).

Not gonna lie, this is the fifth of five blogs i’m having to fix calendar counts for.

Of course, i don’t need to do this.

Decent chance no one will ever know.But

But i’ll know, and for some reason, investing 48 hours to write roughly 200+- posts to accomplish this seems like it will give me peace.

Carpe diem

What does that mean, “carpe diem”?

Most people, myself included, think it means, “Seize the day“!

Here are some thoughts I just found on “seize the day”:

Every man dies.  Not every man really lives.  ~Braveheart

As you grow older, you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.  ~Zachary Scott

Dream as if you’ll live forever.  Live as if you’ll die today.  ~James Dean

I’m glad I have a website.  I put if off for a long time.  I was lazy, worried, busy, ignorant, etc.  Do you have a website?  Great if you do.  If you don’t, why not.  Live, before you die.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂