Sacrifices & Rewards

Be Creative With Life's Challenges
Be Creative With Life's Challenges

These two generally go hand in hand.

If you can sacrifice some things in order to create and maintain an organized, fairly systematic way to run your life, what do you think the payoff might be?

We all have to figure this out.

And as soon as we do, or maybe even sooner, something else will come along to knock us and our system down.

Fall down seven times, get up eight.

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Daily Grind Is Wonderful

Better Get Used To The Daily Grind
Better Get Used To The Daily Grind

If you don’t get a handle on the day to day decisions and daily grind, your life will be miserable.

You know it.

I know it.

It’s called being organized.

Not everyone is, because it’s hard.

But it is not impossible.

You just have to work hard at it.

Every day.

Like everything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it.

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Here’s The Challenge With

How Do You Get Your Foot In The Door?
How Do You Get Your Foot In The Door?

The challenge with resumes is two fold:

  1. They’re inflated
  2. They sound the same

This was my point with the post about LinkedIn profiles the other day.

Of course, everyone looking for a job is going to say, “I’m very smart. I’m really bright. I’m so smart.”

I mean, seriously, what else are they going to say?

They All Start To Look The Same
They All Start To Look The Same

So if there’s a sea of silver and white (smart) fish, how do you become the rainbow (desirable) fish? The one that people go, “Did you see that fish?”

If I were you, I’d go change your profile right now. Or else you can just keep swimming, just keep swimming….because…

The More You See, The Worse It Gets
The More You See, The Worse It Gets

It’s tempting to think, “Who the heck does he think he is telling me I should change my LinkedIn Profile, or my Resume? My professional resume and LinkedIn profile are fine.”

To which I just smile and so, “Oh, okay, sorry, what was I thinking?”

Seriously, Go Change Your Profile
Seriously, Go Change Your Profile

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We Were So Poor…

House For Sale, Needs TLC
House For Sale, Needs TLC

Most people have a tough climb, to earn what they have and where they are in life.

Some mountains are financial, some health, some career, some education. And some people climb them all. Some don’t climb any.

It’s just the way things work.

We were so poor is a June 26 post that posed the question, “How poor were you?”

We were so poor when we moved to Florida 27 years ago:

  • We only had one car
  • Daily, I bicycled 36 miles roundtrip to work
  • Granted an extra low mortgage rate for our $47,000 home