The Delta flight 2118 to Atlanta door is closing right now….

Disney Monorail door open at Polynesian Resort
Not Delta, but also a Fortune 50 Company’s transport door


The Delta flight 2118 (to Atlanta) door is closing right now….

Will add a photo later.


Maybe not.

Ha. (update) Almost missed the connecting flight to Vegas.

On second leg to Las Vegas as this is being typed – so there’s a moment to finish here.

It’s been 31 years since visiting Vegas (via Greyhound bus from Washington State) with Cheryl.

Back now for work.

My how times have changed.

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Planning for worst case scenario is fundamental, and smart

Self promotion tee shirt
One world, one Internet, a gazillion websites screaming for attention


Planning for worst case scenario is fundamental, and smart. We do it every time we get in our vehicle and fasten our seat belt.

And hopefully, all the effort and not a single need for it.

Heading to an International destination this morning.

A great big world.

Many countries.

One Internet.

Life is good.

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A moment like this may never happen again. Ever.

Tommy Spaulding's best selling book
The keynote speaker yesterday was remarkable and was the former CEO of Up With People (and a NY Times bestselling author)


Professional speaker jeff noel backstage at The Breakers
Back behind the stage and three screens, waiting, and feeling great pressure to be remarkable


jeff noel professional speaker at The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida
A moment like this may never happen again. Ever.


A moment like this may never happen again. Ever.

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