Feeling somewhere between coward and hypocrite?

Grown man pees pants in public as if nothing is wrong
Grown man pees pants in public as if nothing is wrong


Three people in the photo on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, taken a week ago, the first night of Mardi Gras.

Person on the left, crutches, pink cast on right foot.

Person on right is a street musician. His guitar case is off camera.

Center person. Drunk as a skunk. I’ve never seen a grown man in public pee in his pants. The stream of liquid from his shoes to the curb is urine.

Was too uncomfortable photographing his pants.

Was I supposed to offer help?

Feeling somewhere between coward and hypocrite?

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Don’t let traffic deter you

Sewer hole cover labeled Traffic
Internet traffic can be good and bad


Internet traffic feels good when it’s high, bad when it’s low. The opposite of roadway traffic.

So what, right? Exactly.What’s the insight?

Factors increase it and decrease it. It’s up to the engineers to study, redesign, and implement.

We are all the engineers of our life. It’s up to us to be organized enough and persistent enough to find solutions, no matter how long it takes.

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The Apple Store Mall of Millenia reopens today as a flagship

brand loyalty
jeff noel is enamored with Apple the way many are with Disney


Apple flagships
most customers are tourists so the staff really enjoys the regulars (like me)


The Apple Store Mall of Millenia reopens today as a flagship. Getting organized is hard work. Staying organized shouldn’t have to be.

I rely on myself for the first, and Apple for the second. You’ve got beliefs and a plan too, right? We’d want it for our children – let’s show them how.

Insight: Show the way, even if it takes a lifetime.

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Who can blame either group for wanting better traffic?

Bridge I beams
notice the port-a-potty across the way… the I-beams are easily six feet tall
no gate, no keep out, no “no trespassing”


No gate, no “keep out”, no “no trespassing”. An open invitation attractive nuisance to inspect the job site.

A Friday evening in September… 2012.

Traffic will never be the same. But will it be better than, or worse than, before.

Something every highway engineer and marketing professional worries about.

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