Prelude to social media change at Mid Life Celebration

life's gauges
look closely at the gauge… it’s time to clean the filter… (few things in life come with an accurate gauge)


Prelude to social media change at Mid Life Celebration. More is coming. Faster.

Change is always happening, usually too slow to perceive – take aging. We see it in others much quicker than we do in ourselves.

WordPress keeps pressing on. Thank goodness for determination. And change.

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Dedicated to restoring the homestead back to it’s original condition

orlando landscaping
Orlando 2005


Dedicated to restoring the homestead back to it’s original condition… some things snowball out of control until they get too big to handle.

Two choices:

  1. Let it go
  2. Do something about it

Took three bids yesterday on a complete landscape makeover. A price will be paid whether I do it or someone else does.

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He said he was a hoarder

H is for Hoarding and hoarding is medication for when we can’t let go


He said he was a hoarder. Unsolicited. He confessed after I shared spending the past week (while Family was away) clearing clutter from my home.

Hoarding is a manifestation for us not being able to let go of things.

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