We should get Memorial Day out…

…out of our subconsciousness and into our consciousness.

At least for one day.  How hard can that be? 

Do you?  Will you?  Did you?  Pause for a few moments to remember why we hold this day as a National Holiday.

OK, so I cried.  Big deal.  You probably will too.

I wasn’t going to post here today.  But as I was searching for a You Tube video for www.junglejeff.net, I found this inspirational one from Martina McBride – Anyway

 Follow your dreams.  Carpe diem,  jeff noel 🙂

Jeff Noel Internet Blogs

Jeff Noel Internet Blogs.

Mid Life Celebration.com –Baby Boomers and Gen X=ers unite .  Rethink.  Reprioritize.  Recommit.

Lane 8.org –  What is your impossible goal?  Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There.

jungle jeff.net – My Disney Business site.  Daily Reflections on Excellence.

jeff noel.org – Faith, Hope and Love.  Surrender.  Self-Control.  Service.

jeff noel.com – Corporate HQ.  Do Something Great.

Take your pick.  And, make it a GREAT day!  Because if you don’t who will?  If not today, when?

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Weekend Festivities?

A three-day weekend.  Those don’t happen much in my world.

Do they in yours?

I actually work seven days each week, in order to have what I define as balance.

Balance, is individually interpreted by people.  There isn’t one way to get it.

Just like there isn’t one way to invest money, get in shape or start a business.

So for me, balance is about feeling a sense of decent control over my obligations.

The key here is that the goal is not complete control, but an overall feeling of decent control.

At work or at home, there is a ton of responsibility.  Many tasks and deliverables in both places.

Balance helps me feel that I’m in decent (never perfect, and rarely even excellent) control of balancing life’s four big boxes.

I’ll have to tell you later about life’s four big boxes.

So for now, carpe diem, and Happy Saturday!  jeff noel  🙂

You Tube versus Hulu?

You Tube just announced it’s bid to remain the Internet’s leading video source.

But they better move quickly, because being number one doesn’t mean you get to stay number one.

Click here to read the article.

Seems that Hulu has made full-length video streaming free and expansive.

Where the heck was You Tube while Hulu was figuring this out?

I see things like this in the news and, because the funny way my brain works, immediately wonder , “So what does this me to me”?

The answer?


Getting to the top spot in business, in life, in school, in athletics, etc, is one thing.  Staying there is a completely different effort.

When you’re the underdog, your competition dismisses you.  When you’re the champion, everybody want s to knock you off your throne.

Ya with me?  Hope so.  Make today a GREAT day to get there or stay there, because if you don’t, somebody else will.  

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Swing and a Miss

Wow, I sure guessed that one wrong.

Congratulations to Kris Allen, our 2009 American Idol.

Adam Lambert and Kris Allen are destined, I believe, to be superstars.

I told my wife last night that Kris Allen reminds me of James Taylor, John Lennon and Bob Marley.

That’s a very powerful combo indeed.

And Adam Lambert, well, how about Freddie Mercury, Sammy Hagar, and Elvis.

Thank you, Fox Network, for our Mid-Week-Winter diversion from the real world.

Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow, and an even better weekend. 

Happy Memorial Day,  jeff noel  🙂