Run, jeff, Run

Repetition Is The Key
Repetition Is The Key

Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ.

Life’s big decisions. Life’s big choices.

I think about them, like many people do – in fact, just like you do.

The big difference between having work-life balance, work-life wellness, is in the approach we take. This is a no-brainer. It’s that simple.

If we take a casual approach, we get casual results.

But Not Too Busy

Know Where We Were?
Know Where We Were?

Of course, we are all busy. But not too busy to seize the moment. You know how challenging this is. We all do. Sometimes we win and sometimes we get “buried”.

Last night was a “victory”.

Started the day writing five blogs, with a Pastor shadowing me. Then worked a corporate job (which I love). Then picked up our son at summer camp. Then drove to the Apple Store for a one-to-one session. Then dinner at the Mall food court. Then the long drive home.

The sun was setting as we drove through town. We stopped at the north end of town to have dessert and catch the small town parade as it passed by.

I Don’t Mind, Do You?

Life Is As Simple As A Wildflower
Life Is As Simple As A Wildflower

Being busy is really just a part of life. People have always been busy. Yet, we live like ours is the first generation to face such challenges.

Listen carefully when older people talk. Pay attention to history. You’ll discover times have always been tough, and always very busy.

When we accept this as never going away, we can begin to live. But not until then. Once we accept it, we can work real hard to figure out how to survive well, and to live well. It doesn’t require much.

How Was Your Day?

Pick A Stone, Any Stone
Pick A Stone, Any Stone

Were you insanely busy today?

Were you frustrated at the volume of your work? The pressure from your deadlines?

Did anything cool happen? An unexpected nice thing?

What’s keeping you afloat right now? Where do you get your strength? Your hope?

Are you a leader in this regard?  Or do you rely on others?

Are you ready for tomorrow? You know why I’m asking, right?

Because tomorrow will not wait for you, nor me, to be ready. And neither will the day after that.

PS. Today’s second post. (9:30pm Orlando time)