Pretty Organized?


How organized are you?

Life is easier in direct proportion to our ability to prioritize and organize.

So why does life feel so out of control, so often?

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Some Days It's McDonalds, Some Days, Mortons
Some Days It's McDonalds, Some Days, Mortons

Life can be grueling in good economic times and then when it’s like it is now, well, grueling can go up exponentially. About every other week, I travel to give speeches. You’ve got to be organized to manage your health on the road.

It is dangerously easy to make exceptions, or excuses, and let things like sleep, eating well, and staying in touch with Family slide.

And then there are those rare moments when you do really well.

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But You Have To Be…

What If We Stacked Them By Color?
What If We Sorted Them By Color?

Yesterday, we talked about your special “gift”, that only you possess. And you thought about yours, didn’t you, and privately agreed with me (because it’s true)?

Today, it’s important to remind ourselves that there is a critical success factor required to optimize your gift. It’s organization. Most of us are not “gifted” with being organized.

We may never master being organized, but we sure can become much better if we try hard and are willing to learn from our mistakes. It will require sacrifice and frustration.

No one else will do it for you, so you must remember this mantra, “Dream Big. Get There. Stay There.”

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From Beginner To Expert

An Expert At French Fries, And, Consistency
An Expert At French Fries, And, Consistency

You are an expert at something. You can do something as well or better than most others. Right? Seriously, it’s a unique human proposition that everyone has some special “gift”.

Remember when you where first discovering your gift? Maybe, you weren’t even aware of it until you started to, over time, get increasing better at it.

I remember starting to blog back in November 2008. And then on April 1, 2009, began to write more blog posts, and committed to writing five-a-day, every day, for 100 days. You know the story. I never stopped.

Website visits, website hits, and page views began to slowly rise. There was a time when 100 daily visits was a milestone. Then 10,000 monthly visits. The 20,000, 30,000 and recently 40,000.

The 50,000 monthly visits milestone will not happen.

The jump from the 40’s bypassed the 50’s. And it appears the 60’s won’t last long either. Why? Because….

“What we hope ever to do with ease we may learn first to do with diligence.” – Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson, a British essayist, wrote the first English language dictionary. He married a widow 20 years his senior and lived in poverty before achieving success with his essays when he was in his forties. Johnson died in 1784.

Dream Big. Get Started. Never Stop.

Use your “gift” to it’s highest potential. I know you can do it, and so do you!

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