Best Day Of Your Life?

Happy Friday everyone. For many of you, it’s the end of the week. Others, myself included, will be working through the weekend and into the next week. It is what it is and we are thankful to have a job, right?

As people go through their daily motions, we often hear or say, “How are you?”

For years I would respond, “Best day of my life!”

So this morning, in Seattle, I’m wondering why I stopped.

And it hit me, I didn’t.

What you say, and what you don’t say to yourself, really does make a difference in your attitude. You know it does.

Benefits To Going A Little Farther

Not Big Words, Big Results
Not Big Words, Big Results

Quitting is easy, and the gate is wide.

Not quitting is difficult and the gate narrow.

We have all read and heard story after story of people who hung on and went just a little bit farther in pursuit of their goal or dream. And we all know what happens when this happens.

A break. A revelation. Great results. Some sort of blessing that seemed so out of reach.

And then there it is, right in your lap.

September’s Page views were greater than the previous 3 months combined. Hits for one month were almost as great as the previous 3 months combined.


It’s Way More Than Attitude

We Ignore The Obvious
We Ignore The Obvious

Did you formulate an answer to yesterday’s question?

The correct answer is…drum roll please…..

Everything takes longer than you think it will.

Plan for this. Expect it and consider it your biggest competitor. We must learn to defeat it, or we will fail.

You know I’m talking to the person in the mirror, right?

Tomorrow, I’ll share what happens when you go a little farther than you think you can.

Everything Takes Longer

Never Accepting Defeat?
Never Accepting Defeat?

What’s one of the most important things in life to remember, and to teach to the children in your life?

Knowing it, embracing it and planning for it will make life infinitely more compelling.


Because it will give us a reason not to quit. It gives us an advanced warning that faith, hope, determination and perseverance are cornerstones to success.

It’s more than attitude.

Being Organized Is A Full Time Job

He Said This System Works For Him
He Said This System Works For Him

Some people openly state that they aren’t very organized. Others, they have some inexplicable talent for making their life seem uncluttered and simple.

No matter where you fall in this range, the fact remains – that life is hard – and, being organized is hard. But can you imagine a challenging life without good organization?

To be at the pinnacle of a nearly three decade career, and starting an entrepreneurial small business seems like an overwhelming task.

It is. But only twice a week – weekdays and weekends.

Now, in this downturn, is the perfect time to start a business. These industry leaders cast a majority vote.

(next blog)