The Art of Compromise

It's Who You Know
It's Who You Know

Heard this phrase the other night, probably on the TV as I was walking though a room, and I wrote it down.

“The art of compromise.”

We can take guesses as to what this means, or we can simply make up our own meaning. That’s what I did, and came up with five different ways:

  1. Compromising our mind, intellect
  2. Compromising our body, health
  3. Compromising our spirit, faith
  4. Compromising our money, career
  5. Compromising just about everything, CEO of Me, Inc.

The comment’s intent targeted the Senators power to say “no” to President Obama – relationships and the passing of President Obama’s Health Care Bill.

Some Senators held their vote until they got a really good deal for their state. This had people debating it’s fairness, and the Senator’s enormous power to say, “No.”

At the end of the day, it’s really about relationships and who you know.

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s about who you no.

Why It Works

Did You Check The Oil?
Did You Check The Oil?

Transforming oneself is an elusive goal.

Hell Heck, most people don’t even consider doing it. Well, most people do, until we realize how much it’s going to cost.

And it’s at this very moment when a 1971 Fram Oil Filter campaign slogan comes to mind, You can pay me now or pay me later.”

The reason getting started on your life changing transformation is so important is because, well, you simply have to start.

Then, the tricky part. The part most people can’t handle. Never stopping.

Bob Dylan, the folk-pop-rock icon of the 1960’s and 1970’s once said, “He who’s not busy being born, is busy dying.”

And the longer you wait, the more it costs.

Editor note:  These conversations are always to myself. If it strangely sounds like I’m talking to you, it’s merely a coincidence.

The Truth Hurts


The truth hurts. The truth can also set us free.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever!”

Can’t you just hear people saying this, or thinking it?  I say it too.  We all do sometimes.

In fact, I’ve said this all my life.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

Until a few years ago when things began to change.

One close friend describes me as, “A Transformed man.”

Just yesterday, at (spirit) I posted about the fog, the semi-conscious state many of us seem to go through life with. Some may call it auto-pilot.

As we are into the fourth day of the new year already, wanted to remind everyone that the goal from all this writing is:

  1. To leave a trail for a young child
  2. To help others with their goals
  3. To eventually raise money to find a cure

These things have the ability to help transform anyone. At the moment, it’s working slowly, but powerfully.


How Will You Know?
How Will You Know?

Did you say something?

Yes. I said something.

Weren’t you paying attention?



“We judge ourselves by our intentions, others judge us by our behaviors.” — David M (?)